Are you getting bad breath, body odour, oily skin, or skin issues?
We all have four elimination pathways:

There's 2 reasons these toxins are coming out in either your skin or your breath:
First, you're not having enough bowel movements - say you're having three meals a day and you're having one or less bowel movements a day. If its not coming out in your bowel movements, its gonna have to come out in your skin, breath, or sweat.
Second, you can have an infection in the small intestine like a fungal overgrowth, bacterial overgrowth, parasite infection. These eat all the nutrients from your food and dump their waste into your body.
So even if you are having more bowel movements; it still shows on your skin and on your breath because your body is like a bucket overflowing with toxicities when these infections and overgrowths are present - resulting in bad breath, body odour, or skin issues.
If you're suffering with any of these issues, please DM me (@jamescookcoulson) and I’ll be happy to explain how to fix it.