If you're suffering from autoimmune, digestive, or skin condition, I can guarantee you’ve got too much toxicities in your body - that’s knocking it out of balance
It can either be:
1: You're not having enough bowel movements in the daytime. So, your body’s not excreting its waste.
2: You’ve got some sort of infection or overgrowth inside your body. That’s eating the nutrients from your food and dumping their waste into your body.
If you have either one of these it can mean you’re building up toxicities in your body; and you become a bucket overflowing with toxicities that’s why these symptoms (messages) are showing in your body.
The very simple way of explaining how I help people is:
(a) Get their elimination pathway flowing correctly.
(b) Remove the infections, overgrowths and excess toxins from their body.
(c) Reverse the damage caused by these infections, overgrowths and toxins.