If you’ve got candida or yeast infection, just changing your diet is not gonna fix it!
Everybody that I’ve spoken to with candida or yeast infection have had an underlying parasitic infection in their small intestine. It is the parasitic infection that is knocking the body out of balance and creating the yeast/candida overgrowth as a side effect. So, yes it can help with some symptoms by cutting out the foods that are feeding the yeast.
But, that just puts you on a restrictive diet for the rest of your life which will never actually fix your problem. What we need to do is deal with everything all at once.
So we need to get you on a cleanse where we remove the candida overgrowths and the parasitic infections out of your body.
By removing any other underlying infections that’s knocking your body out of balance and focusing on healing your damaged intestinal lining.
That’s how you can truly deal with candida or yeast infection.